
D I S C L A I M E R :
CASA CAPELL is the property of INVERSIONS PASSEIG DE SANT JOAN S.L, bearer of CIF (tax number) B-61923934 and with registered offices at Rambla de Prat principal 2a, 08012 Barcelona.
The INVERSIONS PASSEIG DE SANT JUAN S.L. privacy policy for its web site abides by the Personal Data Protection regulations currently in force and the Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (Electronic Commerce and Information Society Services Act).
The CASA CAPELL web site does not collect your personal details without your knowledge, nor pass any data on to third parties.
Users can access information on the web site without providing personal details. However, in the event that a user makes a query via a email or using any of the forms on our web site that request contact details, said details shall be added to a file, legally registered with the RGPD, for the purposes of responding to queries and providing information offered by the company, through email where appropriate.
This data shall be processed in accordance with Organic Law 15/199, dated December 13, in relation to Personal Data Protection (LOPD), and the corresponding regulations.
Any individual who has provided personal data to INVERSIONS PASSEIG DE SANT JOAN S.L. shall have the right to contact said company, which is the owner of the file, and exercise his or her right to access, rectify, delete and locate the recorded data by sending a notification, in writing, to the address mentioned at the start of this disclaimer, duly signed, and enclosing photocopy of his or her DNI (ID document). This right cannot be exercised by telephone, given that it is not possible to confirm the identity of the person making the phone call as the individual corresponding to the data collected.
INVERSIONS PASSEIG DE SANT JOAN S.L. has implemented the required technological and organisational security measures to ensure that personal data are secure and to prevent instances of unauthorised access, change, loss or processing, taking into account the state of the technology, the type of data stored and the risk it is exposed to, be it through human activity or the physical or natural environment, as set out in article 9 of the LOPD and Royal Decree 994/1999, dated June 11, through which the Security Measures for Automated Files containing personal data was passed.
However, users must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.
In spite of the owner's attempts to ensure that all applicable security standards are met, it does not assume any responsibility whatsoever for any links or hyperlinks that third parties may include on their websites, as it has no control over them, their information or content.
Last updated July 16’